Who is Coach Ro

The Breakthrough Catalyst®?

Coach Ro is a pioneer, servant leader and mentor. Her out of the box, forward thinking prepares the way for others through a unique, God-breathed coaching style. Her spiritual plowing capacity infiltrates walls of bondage: trauma, pain, doubt, fear, generational curses-known and unknown-and so much more!

Through the work of the Holy Spirit, Coach Ro pulls the true you out of hiding, challenges and effectively teaches you how to live in the freedom and fullness of Christ.

B.E. Course -

March Into Your Breakthrough

The “March Into Your Breakthrough” B.E. course provides practical ways to identify barriers in your life and tear them down. In this Bible-based course, there will be scriptures to accompany each lesson. It is self-paced and designed to meet you wherever you are on your walk or journey with Christ.   

This B.E course consists of 2 modules. There are 4 lessons in each module and one bonus lesson at the end. The modules are aimed to challenge and help you to recognize stagnating fears. You will receive dynamic strategies on how to build and apply your faith. 

At the beginning of each module, Coach Ro -The Breakthrough Catalyst® will greet you with words of inspiration! Each lesson can be accessed and completed on any mobile device as well as your desktop computer. So don’t wait for your breakthrough. March Into Your Breakthrough now!

B.E. Prepared

Freedom from bondage is what God wants for us. He offers it to us through the gift of salvation. His gives this to us where we are, as we are. Receiving salvation is our first breakthrough.

This module helps you to prepare for the process of marching into and living out your breakthrough. It guides you into giving your whole self - even the unknown broken places - to God.

Get Ready

Your breakthrough has begun! By now you are coming into alignment and an understanding of what the March Into Your Breakthrough process looks like.

This module is going to challenge you to get ready to go deeper in your walk.   It will begin to equip you for greater understanding of God’s will for your life.


This bonus and final lesson encourage you to get your peace back and sustain it. Peace is so necessary on our journey. There will always be unexpected curve balls that come up in our life. This lesson will bring awareness and accountability as you go forth in your new found freedom in Christ!

“I will be forever grateful to God for using B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching with Coach Ro to assist Him in getting me to move forward in the healing of my damaged emotions. I had suffered so much loss and was experiencing tremendous grief, while attempting to mask the pain and disappointment. B.E Free Breakthrough Coaching facilitated the healing process and provided a non-judgemental environment for me to freely share my heart while pursuing my healing.” -N.T. Jacksonville, FL

"Breakthrough coaching has put me on a journey of self discovery that I didn’t realize I needed in order to be whole. The biggest lesson has been having to go back in order to go forward. The uncovering of my past and childhood trauma has been realized as the result! Coach Ro's ability to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and redirect without interference is an amazing gift. I can honestly say through her coaching, I am slowly finding my voice and have a new found freedom. I’m also learning how to stay connected to God, who is my source!"- L.A. Marlboro, MD.

"My life changed the minute I met Coach Ro at a Christian retreat in 2019. I have been blessed by her coaching and ministry to me ever since. I have never left a session without being inspired, feeling closer to God and in more understanding of my life’s path. As a result, I have literally broken through generationally cursed mindsets and have recommended many of my friends to her. Not one friend has left feeling differently than me. Coach Ro has been a gift to me. I don’t consider our time together as sessions, I consider them spiritual experiences each and every time. I will never be able to speak enough to her powerful, God-given insights, guidance, connection and how every conversation with her has positively and profoundly changed my life. She connects you to God’s word and presence in a way that only a breakthrough catalyst can!”- K.L. Evanston, IL

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